Machine Learning and AI for revolution of Tech Companies are changing and streamlining businesses.
Analysis of javascript and other programming languages
The future is JavaScript – a very strong statement, a catchy phrase, and just hits hard when so many powerful programming languages are present and dominating the world of the Internet. All the languages are potential and uniquely the best from each other, considering the factor of continuity, JavaScript is a language which is being used for a long time and will continue to shine throughout.
Technology is emerging at a breakneck pace, and consistently the world is adapting itself to these changes, and we are changing with the technology around us. For any project, the coding and programming form the foundation stone. The technology products that we use today, are changing the world and the society around us, and JavaScript defines those technology products.
23 years since its launch in 1995, JavaScript continues to be a popular programming language. The popularity of JavaScript can be measured with the fact that 99% of websites are based on this technology. There are 398,018 repository search results for JavaScript on GitHub, and about 1,630,594 questions are asked on Stack Overflow. JavaScript rules the technology space as being the most loved client-side language, and despite any language on the server-side definitely, JavaScript will be on the front-end.
However, today Node.JS makes it easy for having JavaScript on the back-end as well. Things become pretty easy for the developers when they have JavaScript as both front-end and back-end. If you are seeking a reliable technology for your next project, it’s time you Hire JavaScript developer and leverage the benefits for your enterprise application development.
Redmonk ranks JavaScript #1 in its January 2018’s Programming Language Rankings which further involved Java, Python, PHP, C#, C++, CSS, Ruby, C, Swift, Objective-C, Shell, R, TypeScript, Scala, Go, PowerShell, Perl, Haskell, and Lua (listed in order of their rankings).
JavaScript offers better tooling, with advancements and robust support which makes it a strong contender as a major player in the Web Programming World. Initially, Netscape, one of the developers behind JavaScript wanted to keep this language at both the client and server side, and Node.JS has fulfilled this vision into reality. Things get pretty easy with a full-stack developer with one language at both the ends. So, why we say, JavaScript is the future.
The language has supremely donned itself as the leadingly popular Front-end Language and now seems to be covering everything from browsers to desktops and tablets under its finest of the finest features.
Though if rightly implemented, any other programming language can be made for both the server and client side, and JavaScript is the most practically possible method. The future language should excel in methodology, development, implementation, innovation, framework and the community. JavaScript is the one programming language which will shape the course of technological development.
The way JavaScript’s popularity is increasing day by day in the developer community, it’s sure to be the technology future. Node sets an ideal example of how a run-time environment can adopt a language to a whole different way just like it did to JavaScript. And similarly, we have other options of Angular, React, Ember, TypeScript, Vue, and Mocha. A good deal of frameworks based on the Node.JS, like, Derby and Meteor are making JavaScript the most suitable programming technology for developing highly scalable web applications.
According to BuiltWith, there are currently 130,094,328 live websites which are JavaScript based. The below graph shows, the usage statistics of JavaScript during 2017-2018.
For if you pondering over JavaScript for your new business website, then the below graphical representation by BuiltWith clearly signifies the popularity of this programming language among the business vertical.
For various use-cases, and further for the back-end, there is a vast repository of JavaScript resources and library. As plenty of things can be done with JavaScript, there are a surplus number of the JS libraries.
AJAX independently loads the page sections
AJAX is asynchronous JavaScript & XML and is a web programming technique for fetching information over the Internet. The applications developed using AJAX offers easy and smooth navigation. AJAX using JavaScript reloads the page section without reloading the entire web page. An easy example of AJAX use-case with JavaScript involves websites like YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter. Like in case of YouTube, while scrolling for the comments below a video on YouTube, the video continues to play while the comments load as you scroll.
What makes javascript the future of web technology?
Server-side scripting
JavaScript allows consolidating into single code-base, as using Node.JS this client-side scripting language can run on the server-side. This lessens the complexity associated with large-scale applications. It further solves the issue of duplication and enables easy handling of complex architectures.
Native cross-platform support
JavaScript improves the time to market of the products developed by an organization, future advancing its native cross-platform support across Android, iOS and Windows or Mac desktop.
JavaScript is single-threaded which sets a standard for the web app development, further improving the performance and scalability in a lot of contexts. Generally, these contexts refer to the web applications where the developers need to service high load. JavaScript makes an efficient tool for the organization who scale higher traffic volume with lower expenses.
The technological evolution is about the tools and the advancement in those tools with the course of time. JavaScript is one such tool that in the present era and promisingly for the eras to come as it offers the most among the many. While it already was holding a supreme dominance in the front-end and is now soon will expand its reach in the back-end sector as well.
However, it is not just about JavaScript as the programming language or any other, like, Perl, or PHP. It is more about the methodology, the logic behind implementation and its usage. There might be a limited scope with any language but not with the way a developer thinks. The tools and opportunities that JavaScript offer more than the Future of Programming Language make it a universal language that aims futuristic approach.