Machine Learning and AI for revolution of Tech Companies are changing and streamlining businesses.
Node.js- a fast, adaptable and beginner friendly software development platform, can be your best bet amidst lightning competition where startups today need to be ahead in the game. Trusted and adopted by leading companies such as Linkedin, Paypal, Netflix, Uber etc, Node.js is an open-source server and cross-platform Javascript environment built on Chrome’s V8 Js engine. It uses non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight making it beneficial for real-time applications which are data-intensive.
Is it worth learning node.js in 2024?
With new technologies emerging every day, one may ponder upon the relevance of Node.js. Although, it is only 13 years old as compared to the older Javascript, Node.js took the tech-world by a storm with its arrival in 2009, developed by Ryan Dahl and is still going strong due to its revolutionary features and efficient performance. Javascript is also here to stay. This makes Node.js especially necessary to learn for startups. It has also led to Node.js jobs to become one of the most sought after in the software world in 2022.
Applications of node.js:
The scope of Node.js is very wide and can be used to build a variety of applications such as those based on Internet of Things, microservice architecture, real-time chats and collaboration tools, single page apps and even streaming applications. IoT developers work in data-intensive environments and can leverage the ability of Node.js to process multiple concurrent requests with ease. It is thus, best for API, messaging apps, social media apps, multiplayer games and real-time web applications.
7 benefits of using node.js:
- The Node community As they say, community is about doing something together that makes belonging matter. Similarly, the node community is a place of learning, helping out each other, providing practical solutions and growing together. The members can network among professionals and even access the extensive database of modules, templates and resources to fit their requirements through its Node Package Manager (NPM).
- User friendly and uncomplicated It is beginner-friendly which does not require advanced prior coding knowledge making it easier and hassle-free for startups to adopt, learn and grow. The programming language used for both front-end and back-end is the same which eliminates the need for writing excessive codes or switching between ends as compared to additional efforts needed if the languages are different. This makes it good for startups to execute and saves time that can be dedicated to a plethora of other things which they need to work on. Thus, it does not require a steep learning curve.
- Ease of scalability Every startup aims to expand and scale eventually. From distribution of data-intensive workload efficiently to handling a wide network of connections simultaneously, Node.js can perform multiple functions. This makes it easier for startups to enlarge and to add consequent modules to the existing ones, once the foundation is built. This also enhances its performance. Another aspect which makes Node.js a preference is the ability of scaling certain systems separately which make it convenient to use according to the company’s circumstances.
- Affordable and value for money Recruiting multiple developers with varied skill sets can turn out to be an expensive ordeal for companies, especially startups, due to already crunched funding capabilities. Node.js, thus, proves to a better return on investment as a single developer can fulfill all of the needs due to its simple framework and process. The back-end and front-end using the same programming languages also reduces the cost of hiring separate developers. In the long run, the startup ends up saving sizeable resources and time making it cost-efficient.
- Quicker Idea-to-product process Ideating, testing to launching a final product is a long drawn-out process and requires consistent effort. Thus, the development time of an application can be significantly reduced with due to not being too hefty and allowing multiple testing within limited time periods. The time-to-market cycle can be made shorter and quicker as Node.js comes with a strong network, seamless service and a re-useable code leading to faster implementation
- Allows caching Caching of single modules is possible with Node.js which allows storing information and codes in the memory database of the application. The need for re-execution of codes gets eliminated because caching increases the efficiency and speed of loading of web pages. Also, the response time for the user gets reduced providing a smooth experience at a go.
- Cross-platform applications Node.js provides compatibility with a wide variety of platforms such as laptops, mobile and desktop computers. Being multi-platform, it allows creation of SaaS websites, desktop and mobile applications as well. Therefore, it has a number of applications such as Internet of Things, data streaming, real-time communication etc. Making of web applications becomes easier with packages such as Koa and Express.js which Node.js provides.
Disadvantages of node.js
Along with its advantages, a few disadvantages of Node.js include a difficult to maintain code, can reduce performance while undertaking heavy computing tasks and API instability. Despite these, Node.js makes a good backend and frontend, for providing real-time communication support and a serverless framework.
Future of node.js
Now that we have delineated the 7 features which give Node.js an edge over other platforms, one thing can be established- If convenience and speed backed with a supportive community are the pillars of a successful web development exercise, then Node.js is undoubtedly the winner in the race amongst its platform competitors. Node.js web development is growing in popularity and will continue to be a popular choice for web application development. It has a bright future due to its scalability, high performance, and vast ecosystem of modules.
Node.js provides access to Node Package Manager which is one of the biggest leverage points that provides packages with completely formulated code libraries and access to additional functional tools. Users can get a gateway into the latest free packages that are uploaded regularly. To summarize, Node.js is a comprehensive and all-in-one platform which is a boon for web development and startups alike.